

Road Maintenance


   Snow Plow 
1. Trash containers are to be placed OFF the roadway. 
2. No parking on roadways with accumulation of 2 in. or more of snow.
*Cascade Snow and Ice Control Policy

Speed Limit
Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit on Township roads is 55 mph.  On May 14, 2018, the Cascade Township Board of Supervisors approved and directed Road Maintenance to post 35 mph speed limit signs throughout the township.

Road Right Of Way Notice
Cascade Township wishes to remind residents that plantings and landscaping must be kept out of the township road right of way. These right of ways and the road ditches are the drainage for storm water and must be kept free of plantings and blockages in order to help prevent damage to our roads and personal property.  If you are not sure where the road right of way is, please contact a board member for assistance.

Roadside Mailboxes and Mailboxes Policysee Roadside Mailboxes 

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© 2017 Cascade Township, MN Cascade Town Hall, 2025 75th Street NE, Rochester, MN 55906

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